Sherri Jefferson

23 Days At Montefiore Murder Mystery & Malpractice A Patient Advocate’s Odyssey



Her new book examines quality patient care as the new social justice imperative.;jsessionid=383C563737DF6CCF2594A85C93D11A20.prodny_store02-atgap16?ean=9780965465687&st=PLA&sid=BNB_ADL%20EBooks%20Good%20Desktop%20Low&2sid=Google_c&sourceId=PLAGoNA Quality Patient Care is the new social justice imperative. Dismayed by the dangerous, deceitful, and deadly practices of New York's Montefiore Medical Center, their doctors, and lawyers who are hired to cover-up their abuses; 23 Days at Montefiore journeys the path of a patient advocate fighting to save the life of an elderly woman forced to suffer multiple experimental surgeries. A heart-wrenching read, this book explores 23 days of torment, denial of patient care, and first-hand accounts of the horrors experienced by many of the patients at Montefiore and the Bronx, New York community. This book also shares advocacy skills to help families protect their loved on