Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Six Generations at Sea - Oysterman John Maxwell of Maxwell Shellfish tells how his family has brought shellfish in from the tides to your table for over 170 years



What does it take to bring luscious oysters up from the seabed and onto the platter placed appetizingly on the half shell before you? Host Bart Jackson and The Art of the CEO radio crew make pilgrimage to Maxwell Shellfish to discover how it’s done. John Maxwell, his wife Kim and their daughter Bridgette tell how their family has been bringing oysters, clams, crabs, and all the seas bounty for over 170 years. These are fisher folks who literally sleep in rhythm with the tide, and began their trade as toddlers tied to the mast. Tune in and learn how to handle a dredge, make a profit, and how the fishers like John Maxwell create a sustainable shellfish crop along New Jersey’s southern shores that will last into future generations.