Life Long Learner

Ep.2 Mel Doughty - Learning Through Story



Join us for Episode 2 - we interview Melissa Doughty and learn about how she shares her message through story. Melissa Doughty is a super mum of 5, owner with her her husband and CFO of The Summit Outdoor Adventure Park that unleashes greatness to 15,000 people a year, she is exceptional wife, supportive friend, author of multiple books and has started her own publishing company. During this episode we explore the process that Mel went through from writing to publishing her first book.  We touch on limiting beliefs, potentially holding people back from success and how she crushed through them during the process. Furthermore, that people are awesome and super supportive.  Follow Melissa Doughty and purchase her books - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and to iTunes  Check out our Facebook page to stay tuned when episodes drop and updates Keep Learning