Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Best & Worst Executive Decisions



From Edison and Heffner to Gates, and Jobs, Bart Jackson lays out brilliance and blunders, letting you laugh & learn from history. From what made Hugh Heffner’s and Bill Gates’ empires rise to what made Thomas Edison and two internet giants fall. Host Bart Jackson with the sagacious benefit of hindsight, takes a look at those single decisions that set enterprises teetering or towering. Taking you down the bumpy road of experience, Bart lays out the lessons to be learned from price of greed, lust for quick profit, fear of new innovations, and other deadly business sins. And along the way, you’ll discern the advantages of listening to clients, careful planning, and a little entrepreneurial daring in the face of a volcano. Tune in and learn from history what wise choices just might benefit you today.