Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Tales of Estate Planning – Lessons from Experience Martin Shenkman reveals amazing true stories about estate planning that will entertain and inspire you to get preparing.



Hear the one about the guy who left his business to his brother-in-law’s niece, without knowing it? The difference between the overwhelming complexities of estate law and astrophysics is that you truly do hold the opportunity to take control of your estate. Host Bart Jackson invites Martin Shenkman, one of the nation’s foremost estate planning authors and practitioners to share some of his most bizarre and most poignant stories. Can you really reach out from the grave and save your business from being strangled? Tune in and find out. And while you’re listening, pick up a hefty dose of cutting-edge guidance on the planning you need to get started on Now.