Fr. Andrew's Homilies

Fr. Andrew's Homily 7/15/19



 St. John Paul II Catholic Parish · 0:31 Today is the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C  St. John Paul II Catholic Parish · 2:28 "We know we are supposed to do good and avoid evil, we know we are supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves, but the problem is: we don't do it." St. John Paul II Catholic Parish · 6:05 "We think 'how can I be a good Samaritan?' But that's jumping ahead. WE are the one's dying in the gutter. Jesus Christ is the Good Samaritan. And He takes on our flesh." St. John Paul II Catholic Parish · 7:35 "We'd like to think that this world is under our control. But the truth is God loves us so passionately that he cares about what you do in every moment of every day. And He loves us enough to allow our actions to have meaning." St. John Paul II Catholic Parish · 7:57 "The four last things: death, judgement, heaven and hell."  St. John Paul II Catholic Parish · 8:29 "When we come before Jesus in the Eucharist, we are stan