Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover MY number 1 tip to help your affiliate business.   What do you think it is? Hey, today I'm going to talk about how to use Twitter account for affiliate marketing. Twitter has been very successful for me and I actually have 10 different accounts.  If you are wondering how someone can even set up 10 different Twitter accounts and how to manage them.   With my hosting service, I go through Justhost they give me the option to have many email accounts and you need to tie a Twitter account to an email.  The thing with Twitter is you have to Tweet a lot. I Tweet once every 2 hours. Of course I use a tool to help me and the tool I use is called Autotweets. There are other tools out there, but you need something that automates your Tweets because you have to Tweet so much.  It's just like email marketing right, you need an autoresponder. You load up your Tweets and they Tweet them out.  What do you tweet ab