Kevin Whitsitt

High Converting Paid Traffic for Affiliate Marketing - 3 Ideas!



Click on the link below to discover MY number 1 tip to help your affiliate business.   What do you think it is? Hey, today I'm going to talk about 3 high converting paid traffic ideas for affiliate marketing. When it comes to buying traffic, you just have to be careful that your not going to spend yourself out of business.  Patience is one of my greatest assets and I would encourage you not to mess with paid traffic until you are making money. Use your profits to re-invest back into your business.  What is very important when it comes to affiliate marketing is your sales funnel. If your sales funnel is garbage, mine was for a long time, then you are just going to lose a lot of money.  Some people buy things right away, but most you have to build a relationship with them. This can also apply to paid traffic. Instead of driving traffic directly to your affiliate offers or squeeze page you could drive the traffic to a good article, video or presa