Wilde About Wellbeing

Who IS the boss of you? Ten concepts we can learn from CEOs and business leaders to apply to our wellness journey



What do CEOs have in common with those of us on our wellness journey? Quite a lot it would seem!   I discuss how we go about using the tips and tricks of the world's greatest leaders to structure our own lives and journeys towards becoming calmer, more optimistic human beings.    There are plenty of my personal experiences in here, too, which I hope will inspire you to start taking baby steps on your own journey!   0-3: Welcome, and information about the free guide I'm offering to listeners! 3-10: Prioritising what to do, and how not to take on too much at once. 10-16: Seeking expert help - we are not islands, and it's okay to reach out to therapists, and other helpers.  16-20: Delegate domestic jobs to partners, friends, family, cleaners, whoever you need! Don't try to do everything yourself. 20-25: Communicating with others how we feel is vital: a company doesn't work without communication, and nor do our domestic relationships. 25-28: If we don't commit to maintaining our vision of where we want to go, we