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303 – Canine dentistry: What you need to know about oral health | Pure Dog Talk



Canine dentistry: What you need to know about oral health By listener request, here's everything you need to know about oral health with Veterinary Dental Specialist, Dr. Jeff Schreiber. “Periodontal disease is very painful for the dog,” Schreiber said, but “Our pets are stoic. They don’t show pain very well.” Image by Romuald Gałęcki from Pixabay Schreiber emphasizes that the best cure is prevention. Daily tooth brushing, Chlorhexaderm oral rinse and appropriate chew toys are the secret to success. “Plaque is the enemy,” Schreiber noted. Visit this site for a list of great products from chews to rinses to food choices: http://vohc.org/VOHCAcceptedProductsTable_Dogs.pdf Signs of a problem: bad breath not eating as well blood on chew toys dropping food out of mouth, prefer soft food Schreiber strongly advocates regular dental cleanings while the pet is anesthetized. The veterinarian will pull blood work and should take xrays of the mouth. “60% of tooth structure is under the gum line,” Schreiber