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Who will help the victims of South African instituted racism?



In South Africa is the apartheid back! Mass murderer Nelson Mandela provided the ANC with power. Now they are stealing the farms from the white farmers. Pure discrimination. But who will take care of the victims and what will it do for the South Africa economy and food production? The government is ready to increase HIV, poverty. Are you ready to take your money out of South Africa?Great profits from the company of Warren Buffet. The turnover is 261 million higher than expected. But we know Warren Buffet pushes for higher taxes. Although he is using tax-free money to pay the investments in his company. Belgium airliner VLM Airlines drastically reduces the network. 7 From the 9 destinations are skipped. The RyanAir pilots in Belgium go on strike. So 104 flights canceled. But what are unions aiming to achieve? If you are investing globally, having multiple citizenships you are no moron. You are a patriot doing the smart. Send your comment to @lodewijkhof or leave your comment below. --- Send in a voice messa