Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Calling All Angels: The Healing Episode



Calling on the Angels to Heal at the Deepest Level with Channel of Light Krista Moore Sometimes we don't know what ails us. We have repetitive patterns, difficulties, or obstructions, whether mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual. Some call this healing energy Light, God, Angels, or our Higher Selves. We all have the capability of healing and learning the lessons we need to learn with grace and love. Note: Due to Easter Holidays, the show is not being done on Good Firday, but on Thurs. April 13 at 11am instead. Krista Moore is a Channel of Light, supported by the Angelic realm (God/Christ/Angels/Archanges/Ascended Masters/Guides) of the highest order. If you would like to receive more love and light in your life you are in the right place. She not only channels for you, she guides you to experience things for yourself and elevates you through this work to your own new level of awareness.   If you would like to be on the show to receive Healing/Guidance, please call in 10 minutes before and we will do