Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Receive Healing Messages from the Angels



Tune in and Receive Healing Messages from the Angelic Realm on Channel of Light To be a caller on the show, make sure to call in 10 minutes prior to air time. Krista Moore is a clear and direct Channel of the Angelic Realm (God/Christ/Angels) who transmits healing messages and powerful healing energies to help you find your way into the Light and lead a miraculous life. For  more on Krista Moore, go to Tune in, call in to receive healing messages that will resonate in your soul and change your life! CALLER GUIDELINES & AGREEMENT This show may cause you to feel relaxed, light-headed or in a meditative state. Make sure you are in a safe environment and do not operate a vehicle or machinery while listening to this show. Each caller takes full responsibility for their health and well-being. Any channeling on this show is not intended to replace professional medical, legal or psychological counsel. At the end of the show, to feel more grounded, you can drink a glass of water or