Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Surrounded by God's Healing Light



Experience The Power of Being Surrounded by God's Heaing Light, Protection & Love with Channel of Light Krista Moore For an opportunity be a caller on the show, call in 10 minutes prior to air time! Krista Moore provides a unique opportunity to experience the heaing power of God's Light, protection and Love through channeling powerful heaing energies, sound vibrations and helpful messages from the Angelic Realm. Do not miss this opportunity! Krista Moore is a clear and direct Channel of the Angelic Realm (God/Christ/Angels) to give you the opportunity to relax and heal mentally/physically/emotionally/spiritually and to learn what it takes to live a miraculous life! For  more opportuities to heal and grow, go to CALLER GUIDELINES & AGREEMENT This show may cause you to feel relaxed, light-headed or in a meditative state. Make sure you are in a safe environment and do not operate a vehicle or machinery while listening to this show. Each caller takes full responsibility for