Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Ending a Cycle with Love... Channeled Message



Ending the Year with Clarity, Peace and Love Before the New Year Begins... Channeled Healing Meditation with Channel of Light Krista Moore For an opportunity be a caller on the show and receive healing and messages, call in 10 minutes prior to air time! This is a wonderful time to let go of something before the New Year begins. Join Krista Moore, Channel of Light, for the opportunity to release something that has been holding you back, and get ready to receive and create something miraculous in 2018! For more channeling, healing meditations and resources, go to CALLER GUIDELINES & AGREEMENT This show may cause you to feel relaxed, light-headed or in a meditative state. Make sure you are in a safe environment and do not operate a vehicle or machinery while listening to this show. Each caller takes full responsibility for their health and well-being. Any channeling on this show is not intended to replace professional medical, legal or psychological counsel. At the end of the