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Wisconsin Sports Report 103.5fm with The Herb



We'll discuss the controversial play call in the SuperbowlAtlanta Falcons may be punished for adding fake crowd noise at home gamesHerb discusses if the recent allegations against the New England Patriots blemish their victory?The Milwaukee Brewers have made some moves aquiring several playersWe attended the Beloit Snappers 11th Annual Hotstove BanquetHerb interviews Joe Block, play by play broadcaster for the Milwaukee Brewers Radio NetworkHerb interviews MLB umpire, Marty Foster. Marty is entering his 17th season as a major league baseball umpireThe Oakland Athletics have hired a new coach for their minor league affilitate The Beloit Snappers. Fran Riordan discusses his goals for the upcoming season.Guests from the Gridiron Football League will be in the studio. Melvin Fields, owner and head coach, Donald Harrington, offensive coordinator and running backs coach, Tyler Honeck, RB/LB/Safety, Carter Linneman, LB/FB/Tightend.The Herb joins Dadio and Joe Halferty at Studio 54 1/2 in downtown Janesville Saturday