Pure Dog Talk

288 — Hounds on the American Frontier with Custer | Pure Dog Talk



Hounds on the American Frontier with Custer Author Brian Duggan with his Saluki Author Brian Duggan’s journey to the publication of General Custer, Libbie Custer and Their Dogs: A Passion for Hounds, from the Civil War to Little Bighorn was launched by Hickory the Scottish Deerhound’s Best in Show at Westminster Kennel Club. Editor Denise Flaim asked Duggan for an article about Custer's Deerhounds for Sighthound Review as perspective on the breed's history. As he wrote the magazine article, Duggan became aware of a vast trove of unwritten history on the topic of Custer's passion for hounds. Duggan's meticulously researched historical biography examines the lives of General George Armstrong Custer and his wife, Libbie Custer, as wholehearted dog lovers. At the time of Custer's death at Little Bighorn, they owned a rollicking pack of forty hunting dogs, including Scottish Deerhounds, Russian Wolfhounds, Greyhounds and Foxhounds. Rich detail for dog lovers includes the Custers' first dogs during the Civil G