Pam Perry, Pr Coach

SEO, Google, Internet Marketing: Wha is Next on the Horizon? Doc Murdock Tells Us



Our guest today is internet marketing consultant Doc Murdock. His vision is to help people better understand technology and its value in their lives. He often shares valuable information and opportunities with folks on freely on twitter. He will talk about how people can expand their brand, their message, their products. Says Mike, "I am self-taught in everything that I know in computers and technology. I learned early on to excel in this area of work it's fun to learn on your own. That way you learn a lot about everything vs. just what they teach you from a book. I am happy to see technology evolve the way that it has, but it's literally about 20 years behind where it should be at this point. Too many companies doing too many things and lacking focus, but that's a discussion for the blog." :)