Pam Perry, Pr Coach

Monique Caradine: Be Fabulous. What Every Author Should Know



Monique Caradine knows media. She is a radio and TV host in Chicago and gets tons of books from authors every week wanting to bre on her show.  Only a tiny fraction make it. WHY? They don't know how to pitch the media properly!  This show will give you some guidelines on how to do and what to say and when to say it....... BUILDING BUZZ at six months out is key!!! (WE both agree on that!!) So in this show we'll reveal: The BEST way to pitch the media How to create your unique angles and hooks to make your story irresistible to the media The 3 things you can do to GUARANTEE you get called back for more interviews How to craft a media list that will get you results Why your press kit could be KILLING your "publicity potential." Here's to your publicity power!  SEE this link for more details and how to get connected!