In Life Now Radio

Local First with Elissa Hillary



Welcome back family!  Did you miss me?  Well I sure hope that you did because I surely missed all of you! Well family we are in for a great new season on the air and we are starting the week out with one of Grand Rapids' own Ms. Elissa Hillary who is the Executive Director of Local First! Author Michael H. Shuman, author of Going Local said, " Going local does not mean walling off the outside world.  It means nurturing locally owned businesses which use local resources sustainnably, employ local workers at decent wages, and serve primarily local consumers."It means becoming more self sufficinet and less dependent on imports.  Control moves from the boardrooms of distant corporations and back into the community where it belongs." This is the ideology our guest Elissa Hillary embraces, so pull up your seats, turn the volumne up, and listen to a great show this evening as we engage in informative conversation with one of the premier leading women in the city of Grand Rapids, the one and only Elissa Hillary!