In Life Now Radio

GR Now with Josh Depenbrok


Sinopsis was founded in 2005 by Josh Depenbrok. After graduating from Calvin College in 2002 with a business degree, Josh earned his Michigan real estate license and began working for a local broker. While building a website to attract home buyers and selleers, he began including some Grand Rapids restaurants and attraction information. As that research continued, he realized that no complete site with all local eateries existed and focused on building a restaurant directory. A short while later the event calendar was added and that combination morphed into GRNow! Ladies and gentlemen all over the world we are certainly in for a dynamic treat tonight as Coach TMB has the opportunity of talking up close and personal with another representative in Grand Rapids who is well respected and has made a great name for himself by the name of Josh Depenbrok who is the founder of GRNow. Make sure you are in a good spot where you can listen to this show without being disturbed because I am telling you folks... Josh has