In Life Now Radio

The Motivator of The Millennium with Keith L. Brown



Well Family! I need all of you to get ready for an inspiring time tonight with our special guest all the way from Atlanta, Georgia in the form of the phenomenal, Mr. Keith L. Brown who has been coined with the title that describes him as, "the motivator of the milennium!" This show is tailor made for everyone who has been labled with he/she can't... or he/she will never... And the biggest one is he/she has...  I am excited tonight to have this opportunity to speak with Mr. Brown because he is someone who received labeling from his childhood and through it all with his determination and persistance overcame every label that people and the doctors tried to pronounce him to be. “not impossible- I’M POSSIBLE! The messenger is here. The time has come!!! Early in life, Keith L. Brown, “Motivator of the Millennium,” was identified as a “Special Ed” and “At Risk” student primarily because he talked too much, was too hyper, and wanted to give “all the answers;” ironically, these are a few of the same traits that