In Life Now Radio

Passing The Trash with Dr. Charles Hobson Part 2



Family tonight on In Life Now Radio, we continue with  part 2 of our series with my special guest Dr. Charles Hobson who has penned an informative but yet challenging book for us entitled, Passing The Trash-A Parent's Guide To Combat Sexual Abuse/Harrassment of Their Children. I felt the need to bring this topic of discussion to you family since there has been such an uprising of criminal sexual abuse of our children not only in our schools but in alot of places of authority where we have entrusted the adults to watch over and protect our children, only to discover that some of them have been the very one's who have taken advantage of our nations children while we were unaware! Dr. Hobson is a voice of advocacy who has spent many years researching this topic and working with those who have committed these crimes as well as being there for the vicitms who were on the receiving end of this tragic act. In this two part series to be aired on this broadcast and again on Sunday July 14th, Dr. Hobson is goi