In Life Now Radio

Does This Look Right, My Undergarments with CEO Deb Bates



Ladies and gentlemen you read the headline right for this episode of In Life Now Radio! We are talking "undergarments" with the CEO of Meme's Foundations, Deb Bates! "Memes Foundations was established in 2007 by Deb Bates (MeMe), prior to this I was helping a friend find the right bra. We shopped and shopped and shopped coming up empty. Not to be out done I went online and started researching and found a whole new world of women looking and searching for the same thing. Being an entrepreneur already I decide to create my own little boutique for women who for one reason or other could not find the right bra to match their body type. Though this journey we have learned a lot about women, customer service and helping women feel special. Our mission is to find you that right undergarment to make you feel comfortable and confident."