In Life Now Radio

6 Weeks To Building Your Small Business Brand with CEO Aprille Franks Hunt



Aprille Franks-Hunt is an author, speaker, life & business advisor, as well as a multi-faceted business professional, who walked away from a successful career to pursue her passion of inspiring women beyond motivation. Her book, Confessions of an Independent Woman: Truth, Lies & Relationships releases fall 2011. Aprille is natural born leader and the Creator/CEO of Women Recharged, a powerful movement designed to spread the global message of transformation through Aprille’s compelling LIVE, LEARN, and THRIVE mantra.  Aprille is also embedded in the business community consulting with small business owners, speaking at conferences, events and workshops. Aprille’s tenacity and determination also landed her first national speaking engagement on the stage of Women for Hire’s CEO, Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle Women’s Business Conference in Atlanta, Ga. As a result she has been sought after by other organizations to deliver her candid messages to women on a vast array of topics. http://www.womenrechar