Love And Laughter

GTGP~ Christelyn Karazin of No Wedding No Womb



By now most of us have heard the statistic - 72% of all African American children are born to unwed mothers which is a rate that eclipses every other ethnic group in our country. Are you thinking that it is not your problem? Well think again. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative's report, "100 Billion Dollar Man", the federal government spends $99.8 BILLION dollars a year on fatherlessness in America. This includes money spent on child support enforcement, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This economic and ethnic crisis has been described as a cancer that is eating away at the fabric of our communities. Christelyn Karazin, a social activist and creator of the campaign, “No Wedding, No Womb”, will be our guest as we talk about ways to educate and eradicate this disease. Christelyn is the founder of, a black women’s empowerment and relationship site, and a writer for such publications as Woman’s Day, Better Homes