Love And Laughter

GTGP ~ Wealth Manager Darryl Martino on Money Management



Last week the WSJ reported that many Baby Boomers will have to work beyond 65 because they don’t have enough money saved for retirement. The article stated that “the median household headed by a person aged 60 to 62 with a 401(k) account has less than one-quarter of what is needed to maintain its standard of living in retirement”. Purposeful planning is the key to a successful financial future. Regardless of age, occupation or current income there are things you can do TODAY to help prepare for a restful retirement. You can’t grow if you don’t know! Daryl S Martino, a Wealth Manager and Partner of Martino and Miles Inc., will be our guest to provide practical information regarding ways to manage your finances. In 2001, after years as a stellar corporate financial planner, Daryl started his own firm assisting individuals and families with financial services. Daryl is also very engaged in the community. As the former treasurer and an active member of “100 Black Men”, Daryl has helped many young men aspire to gr