Love And Laughter

GTGP~ True Love Waits ~ Part 2



We are bombarded each day with 1,000's of images in online advertising, music and television about sex. However, the detrimental effects - the emotional and physical scars - left on those who engage in physical relationships too early is not widely publicized. Our guests are Armond E. Mosley and Marilyn Marsh. We'll discuss how you can live fulfilled while waiting on true love. Armond is author of the book, REDEDICATION: A Story of Sex, Repentance, and Restoration. Armond is a former guest and currently promoting the "Purity Tour" sharing the message of his journey as a young man. Marilyn Marsh is an administrator of True Love Waits. TLW is a program that challenges teenagers and college students to make a commitment of abstinence until marriage.