Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

The Single Cut From Gampopa-01-April13 2019 Morning-Christchurch



Commentary and instructions on Je Gampopa's text; The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra. Given by Lama Mark Webber at the Christchurch Buddhist Centre, New Zealand - April 13th & 14th 2019. On the 13th and 14th of April, Lama Mark gave 4 classes giving commentary and meditation instructions on Gampopa's text "The Single Sufficient Path" also known as "The Single Cut." Mahamudra, or 'great seal', is the realization of the heart essence of all experience, as it is-thatness-total awakeness and compassion. The great seal is also the meditation and the fruition. Gampopa's text is an elegant and 'bare bones' outline on the essence; the ground of mind, the meditations and path we need to follow and the result; Buddha-nature. Gampopa also says what preparations and practices are necessary, the graduated steps we take, the stages of unfolding and the natural mode of mind free of all obscurations. Based on Gampopa's pithy text, the Lama explains in great detail; the attitude of bodhicitta, who we need to rely on,