Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Alchemy for Maintaining Your Projects



Learn more at www.PureSoulAlchemy.com This show is a shamanic healing session to assist you in managing, maintaining and growing your projects. So, you've created and implemented a new program, business, goal etc.  Now what? It's great to ride the high of the creation wave, but what happens after it's created, launched and underway? Sometimes, we lose our sense of flow, lose direction or old overwhelm and confusion gets triggered and causes us to lose focus.   In this session, we will help you access your momentum for sparking upgrades, outreach, and for successfully continuing to cultivate and foster the progression of your goals.   Before listening to this session, be sure to bring to mind any projects you've already implemented and would like help in feeding, managing and growing. We will focus on these in our session.   Join in for this 30 minute soul re-alignment process! A transmission of channeled healing technologies which restructure your creative source grid.     Pure Soul Alchemy is a chan