Lighted Paths Radio With Claire Papin

Animal Communication via the Heart with Dr. Laurie Moore



Our special guest, Dr. Laurie Moore, is a licensed LMFT therapist, certified hypnotherapist, animal communicator, and spiritual teacher. She’s the author of many books, including The Cat’s Reincarnation: Transformative Encounters with Animals and Healing and Awakening the Heart:  Animal Wisdom for Humans. For two decades Dr. Laurie has assisted people and animals to transform their lives, awaken to universal love, and communicate in evolved and fulfilling ways. She was a graduate and undergraduate expressive arts psychology teacher at San Francisco State University, Johnson State College, and Chico State University. You may have seen or heard her on NBC, CBS Radio,, Fox News, Species Link, Esalen, In the Company of Angels - she also stars in Akua Lono on, Animal Communication and Unconditional Awakening, and Universal Love and Animal Communication on Public Access Stations round the USA. Dr. Laurie’s mission is to open up new doors of love among people and all life everywher