Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

S3: Article Reading - Marriage Principles From Non-Marriage Verses — 1. Our Identity Is In Christ



  Christina and I have tried to build our marriage upon God and his word. We have appreciated all the passages in the Bible which speak directly to the married life. But we have also loved many other Scriptures which have helped our marriage. In this short four-part series, I will write about four of those Scriptures. In each, I will elaborate on the principle found there, along with how it has applied to our marriage. Our prayer is that every believing marriage would find grace and strength in the word of Christ. Read the entire series here. “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (Colossians 3:3–4). Christina has not completed Nate, and Nate has not completed Christina. Yes, when we married, the two become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:8). But it is Christ who completes us. Our lives, as the passage reads, are “hidden with Christ in God.” Consider the phrase: “Christ who is your li