Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: How To Crush Your Day (Psalm 108:2)



  “Wake up, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.” (Psalm 108:2). Mornings, it seems, are for singing. The birds know this. There is a freshness of a new day which elicits a song. But what song will I sing? The song of the gospel, of course. The song which sings of the unfathomable riches of God's love and grace. The song which celebrates him, his sovereignty, his power. Control — God has it, and I will glorify him for it. “I will wake the dawn with my song.” Our psalmist races the sun to rise in praise before it can. He wants to beat the day to the punch. Lyrics of joy and celebration for God will spill out of his mouth. He has made his determination. Tomorrow morning? A song of praise over God will resound. When a day begins like that, you’ve already won. The tone for the day is set. If a day were a building, the morning would be its foundation. For our psalmist, the foundation is strong. He is grounded in God. He has connected to His Lord. A song does not take too long. It gets one into passio