Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Gospel Scope: God's Children (Romans 8:12-17)



Recently, I attended a large pastor’s conference with church leaders from all over the world. During one of the allotted sessions, they held a question and answer session with senior leaders. Every pastor on the platform had been in ministry for at least forty years. Each predetermined subject was designed to get them talking about advice they would give to their younger self. I sat in rapt attention. One of the pastors shared something I won’t quickly forget. He said he would tell a younger version of himself to take his sin more seriously. He explained that baby sins grow up into adult sins once mature, bringing death. His message was simple: kill sin or it will kill you. As children of God, the battle is on. We saw it declared by Paul in Romans 7, but we see it more fully in Romans 8. There is a battle between my flesh and the Spirit, between my body of sin and my new nature. The law — or principle — of the Spirit is pulling me up into Christlikeness, but this isn’t automatic, at least not now. One day,