Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

A Murder in GA •● Dr. Raymond Winbush and Kevin Gray •●



 The Troy Davis Murder We are all diminished by the barbaric practice of capital punishment, and distressed that it is carried out in our name. Like so many others, we feel traumatized, betrayed, and violated by a government that is entrusted to protect us and keep us safe. Wednesday’s actions by the state force us to return to one of the fundamental questions that we ask at OUR COMMON GROUND: What kind of society are we that expends such massive resources – financial, psychological and, dare we suggest spiritual – on the execution of a single person to avenge the needs of a family or group, while ignoring the basic needs of entire communities? In the face of so much doubt, the absence of guilt . . . it was not an execution, IT WAS MURDER. Returning to OUR COMMON GROUND once again to inform, guide and to examine the event, our grief and our response. Scholar/Activist Dr. Raymnd Winbush Poli-Cultural Writer & Activist, Organizer Kevin Gray “Speaking Truth to Power and OURSELVES”  Web   Facebook