Reiki Radio

Your Reiki Infusion, Body Mind Energy



Reiki Radio: We talk about being Reiki, so let's explore some practical ways of infusing Reiki into our everyday circumstances. Here's a hint - the symbols are involved, connecting you with BODY, MIND and the ENERGY of being. Why? This whole self-healing gig is not a race, it's about participation and learning through the ongoing process of awakening to your true nature. The beauty is that you have choice in all of it AND your choices can support you in more loving ways than you can imagine. Use your tools! There are even gifts in your heightened sensitivity and in the triggers from old feelings. Oh yes - this amazing journey we call life is calling forward the light and dark, the highs and lows...and all spaces in-between, helping you to remember that YOU are every aspect of it. Journey in LOVE! Sign up for your free gifts at