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GPS Your Career: Bonnie Marcus: Women Helping Each Other Reach Career Success



It takes a village to build a successful business or career. With this realization, women are banding together to help each other in innovative ways that we have not seen before. More and more women are now realizing that they can support and advocate for each other and that these relationships are powerful and influential. These relationships can catapult your business or career. This week’s podcast will teach us more about how women connect and support each other for their professional advancement with my guest, Debbie Phillips. Featured Guest Debbie Phillips is the inspiring founder of Women on Fire™ and a pioneer in the field of executive and life coaching. She is known for her work in transforming women’s lives. Her gift is her ability to see and nurture the strengths, gifts and talents of the women she works with. She is also an author, speaker and film producer.  Her credits include the book Women on Fire: 20 Inspiring Women Share Their Life Secrets (and Save You Years of Struggle!) and she co-produ