Be Major

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on our Resistance to our Fears.



Today at noon EST, Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on our Reality. This is a deep conversation about how we resist our fears. It is always about Choice, however our fears are often unconscious. We discuss that Tom's work on News for the Heart is how to apply his theories. We talk about how we often are concerned about our symptoms and not the cause of the problem. We tend to focus on the goal, where life is a process. Generally, we are focused, and our intent is looking at what is wrong and how to fix, change and manipulate the situation. We focus on what to do, vs how we can BE and who we are from a BEing level.  The whole point of this physical reality is to make choices and to evolve the quality of our consciousness towards love through making 'loving & caring decisions'; choices about others not just yourself. We have to own our problems, take responsibility for our choices and own our triggers. However, this process isn't easy and it takes a level of courage t