Be Major

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Live Like Love



Today at noon EST, Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Love Month, Live Like Love. This is a deep conversation about the choices we make around Love in our lives. Our biggest problem is around trying to fix, change, teach or heal others. When we come from this place we are in ego and placing conditions on Love. What we need to do is come from a place of BEing Love. BEing aware of how we can give love, as love is given! We typically have conditions and we are giving love with expectation. We need to understand that when we want something, or expecting or need to validate our need for BEing right, we aren't "loving". We also discussed our confusion around Self-Love, really being about liking who we are. This will assist us to understand our fears. Confidence and Acceptance are the only ways to face our fears and evolve towards Love. Accepting who we are, will assist us to understand ourselves and face our fears. Coming from a place of Love will always create what it is we