Informed Secular Minds

ISM 24: Dan Barker



Dan Barker is the Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the purpose of which, as stated in its bylaws, are to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism. Become a member here. Mr. Barker is prolific author and speaker on the topics of atheism and secularism. He has written many books including Life Driven Purpose, The Good Atheist, and God: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction. Our discussion includes Donald Trump's recent executive order on "Religious Liberty" and the FFRF's legal response, as well as the debate between theists and atheists. Follow Scott Follow Cory ISM on Twitter  ISM On Periscope A lot of hard work goes into the broadcast each week. Please contribute!!