Just Us Radio Network

Inflowment with Rena Illiades



The word "Inflowment" brings forth into our experience the idea of life in balanced and harmonious flow.    Realizing that all is not really well in the World was an ongoing process for me in fits and starts from about 2002 and then hit me like a ton of bricks when I had my first child who is now 7y.o.  I always had a feeling (from a very young age) that things were not quite right and there was something seriously messed up about our society. Working with custom software with my husband we have incorporated study of some of the more esoteric aspects of lifesciences, for example DNA which we have discovered to have a soul.  Love is the most important part of life for me as it has given me the gift of being able to see others through the same eyes. This is why I do what I do because a crime against my neighbour is a crime against all of us. For the last 3.5 years I began more actively seeking ways in which I could disseminate the information I had researched over the years, organised rallies, protests, stud