Just Us Radio Network

Unity In Community with Michael Lightweaver



UNITY IN COMMUNITY Now is the time for all people of the world to come together as one.  No more division, no more war, no longer struggling to survive in a work until you drop system that has plagued this planet for centuries. People are waking up, becoming aware of who they really are and the task we all have is to sustain mother earth and all her inhibitants.  Living in peace, harmony, love and unity with all.  Coming together, farming, growing food and medicinal plants, moving away from conventional housing and utilities.  Everything is energy - who we are, how we live, our connection to all beings whether they walk on two legs four, or many more whether they swim or fly and whether they grow through gaia herself.  There is a better way towards a brighter, happier and healthier future. Communities are springing up all over the world.  What we need is knowledge and awareness, imagineering what we really desire and living in perfect inflowment. Show music courtesy of CHASE BINNIE - Please support this b