That Provident Article

We Have Our Nominees, What's Next?



This week's episode will begin by highlighting news for the Convention of States out of Louisiana, Missouri, and South Dakota.. Then, we'll discuss that there's no denying this has been perhaps the strangest Presidential election cycle in our nation's history.  The Republican Party began the process with 17 candidates throwing their hat into the ring.  The Democrat Party had a relative handful at the beginning of their process.  Both of the major parties have had lively debate, a fair-share of rough-and-tumble campaign battles, some back-and-forth surges in momentum, and even some questioning of the very process involved in selecting a nominee. This past week two of the last three remaining Republican candidates have suspended their campaigns: Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich.  This leaves businessman Donald Trump as the sole Republican candidate, and the presumptive nominee of the party heading into the Republican National Convention this coming July in Cleveland. On the Democrat side, we have wi