That Provident Article

Convention of States Summer: Legislative Pitfalls



We'll be live on Saturday morning, June 17, 8:30 a.m. Central Time. Listen through your browser at the link. Our call in number is (914) 205-5632. I'll try my best to make time to take calls. A Convention of States summer consists of not just vacation, but prime preparation time for the upcoming legislative session. National Legislative Director Rita Dunaway presented three common legislative pitfalls in this video; we'll expand and expound on these pitfalls, and discuss some real world examples on how to avoid these pitfalls. The time to prepare for your 2018 session is now!! The Convention of States Project is a grassroots led effort to encourage state legislatures to use the Constitutionally authorized state-initiated amendment process to propose and ratify amendments to the U.S. Constitution that will restrain our overreaching federal government. "That Provident Article" is hosted by Convention of States Regional Director Paul Hodson. #COSProject #ArticleV #ConventionOfSt