Cosmic Rock Radio




Greetings family!!  i will be hosting a weekly online Spoken Word showcase called 'Hot Sauce" so bring that Fiyah!!  Before I was Sister Stone or Sistah Fiyah, I was simply known to my friends as Lioness...the More Fiyah poet.  I have made many friends along my journey, some of whom are among the BEST Spoken Word artists in the nation.  I pioneered a Spoken Word Revolution alongside my bredren DJ Rome of Columbia SC as we hosted what became known as one of the HOTTEST poetry spots in Columbia.  What started as my vision to bring some Caribbean Spice to poetry and the south, became a standing room only Spoken Word Event that inspired poets to unleash the poetic beast inside of themselves.  So for all of those that took part in the movement at the Bayou, to the newjacks with something to prove, the revolutionaries down for the cause and for anyone that needs a listening ear...come one COME ALL and bring that hotness!!  Hot Sauce is diverse, cultural, political and all about love and Higher Consciousness.  So ge