Blended Joy

14: Acting, Faith & Life with Sophia!



Grab a smoothie and join the conversation I had with my good ole' friend, Sophia! Sophia is currently a freshman at NIU, pursuing a Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA) while enjoying all that the Newman Center has to offer. Sophia enjoys spending time with those who bring her closer to Christ, musicals/plays, and growing in knowledge of the Catholic faith! Throughout this episode, we enter into the beautiful whirlwind of Sophia's life and what it's like to be a young adult woman who has embraced the acting world. Sophia chats about the journey to be accepted into the BFA program, Catholicism and the arts, as well as what life as a Catholic college student is like. Sophia allows us to experience the joys of life from the view of an actress. Smoothie: blueberries, strawberries, spinach & banana