Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

004: Ben McAlary – Health, Happiness & Heart



Ben McAlary is the other half of Brooke McAlary, who is the wonderful host (and teacher) of The Slow Home Podcast.  Both Ben and Brooke have had quite an impact on my life, as it was many of the lessons that I learnt from their podcast and guests, that enabled my family and I to pack, donate or sell most of our belongings in Australia and head off for a year, attempting to house sit our way through North America. I wanted to chat with Ben as it has been very interesting watching his journey through the podcast, and mainly, because in 2016 he left the security of his job to focus on the podcast and to launch the media company, Jackrabbit.FM. The audio is a little patchy in some spots, as I recorded this interview from a log cabin in the middle of a national forest in the northwoods of Wisconsin, and Ben was in the mountains of Alberta, Canada - but stay with it as Ben shares his moments and stories, and how he took the leap to steer his life in a direction of meaning and purpose. Towards the end he touche