Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

010: Julie Preston –Adventures of Traveling and Education on the Road



As many of you know, Inga, Andy and I have been attempting to house and pet sit our way through North America for a year. As much as people we meet say that it is such a wonderful idea and way to travel, we had never met another house sitter before in person. That was until we met my guest today, Julie Preston, at a park in Frisco, Colorado, and we formed a friendship immediately. There were so many similarities with our journeys. We were both traveling with a child, we love the variety and experiences new towns bring, and more importantly, we all adored animals. But as our friendship grew over the months it became apparent that Julie and her husband Dean were doing this for different reasons to Inga and I. Julie has been house and pet sitting, on and off, for over a decade, and it was something that she continued to do when she first met Dean. They paused for a few years until Dean was laid off from his work due to the crash in the economy, a week before their daughter Abby was born. They started housesittin