Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

031: Justin Smith - Growing Through The Questions We Ask



I love being around people that inspire me and make me think. My guest today, Justin Smith, is definitely one of those people. Our paths only crossed a few weeks ago, at an event I was hosting in my hometown of Newcastle. Justin and I connected after the event and I simply loved that this guy, in his mid-twenties, was already asking some big questions of himself, and that he had the courage to make some changes in his life that meant detouring from the so called normal path. In this episode, Justin and I discuss human connection, wearing multiple professional hats, work life integration, the importance of mentors, and adding value to the lives of the people around us. Justin also goes into the five value pillars that he guides his life by. One point I really loved about this was his notion that the skill of contentment is so important when striving for growth and betterment. That we need to be happy with what we have, before we can grow and be better. Justin grows, and helps the people around him grow, throug