Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

065: Evelyn Rennich - Living Smallish With A Family Of Six



Living smallish can sometimes be a challenge, as you need to intentionally think about each item you have and be considerate to which new items you bring into your life. It is even more of a challenge when you throw a husband and four children into the mix. But that is the beautiful challenge my guest today, Evelyn Rennich, lives each and every day. I love Evelyn’s story, as her minimal way of life is one that started from a financial need, but became one she fully embraced. Evelyn and I dive into many topics in this episode; learning through difficult times, the work involved with being intentional, and how living minimally can help with that feeling of being buried by the pace of life. We also discuss family and the affect a cluttered home has on our children, cluttering up our calendar, gift giving at Christmas time, protecting the white space in your life, and holding onto things loosely, a phrase I absolutely love. Evelyn is a loving mother who works things out the best way she can for her family.